chemical peel for acne in bangalore


Acne scar removal Bangalore


The mere thought of getting up and finding a large zit on your face on an important day is the greatest fear of most. Acne is a common ailment and affects almost all of us at least in our teens. Sometimes it can continue into adulthood and cause scars and marks that last forever. 

Acne usually occurs as red bumps with white peaks also known as pimples or zits. When they subside, dark marks and sometimes pits are left behind, especially on the face. Besides the face, acne is known to affect the shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

What causes them?

 The main reason for acne is the blocking of the skin pores by oil, dead skin or bacteria.Pores tend to get blocked due to excess oil production, hormonal changes, over scrubbing or exfoliating and sometimes, cosmetic use. These blocked pores eventually lead to pimples.

acne treatment Bangalore

 How can we help?

 We, at Dr. Sculpt, provide treatments for both teenage and adult acne. After a detailed examination and consultation with our dermatologists, you will be recommended appropriate therapy. 

Medication - oral and topical creams are prescribed according to the severity and cause of your acne breakout

Hydrafacial is an innovative and gentle way to deal with acne-safe for all ages. It tends to use a gentle vertex of water infused with active ingredients to deep cleanse the pores and treat acne-prone skin. 

Chemical Peel we at Dr Sculpt bring decades of experience with peels and use the safest and gentlest products to give a gratifying reduction in our patients’ acne.

Apart from these treatments - we give every patient advice on diet and general lifestyle changes that can help them deal with stubborn acne.


Authored By :Dr. Arundathi Nagraj

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