Hair transplant surgery in bangalore, karnataka


Hair transplant surgery

The best way to restore your hairline Dr. Sculpt aesthetic clinic.  Baldness is a universal concern that has been bothering many people through the ages. Dr.Sculpt Aesthetic Clinic offers hair transplant surgery to restore hair on the areas of the scalp that are bald or have thinning, for both men and women. 

 What is a Hair Transplant Surgery?  

 Hair transplant surgery involves removing small hair-bearing scalp grafts from a donor site and relocating them to a bald or thinning area. Dr.Sculpt Aesthetic clinic offers this method as the best way to correct your hairline or bald areas. You can still colour your hair, do root touch-ups and even hair highlights.  

 Women's Hair Transplant 

hair transplant surgery in bangalore

For women hairs are their identity and hair loss is very hard for them to bear. Dr. Sculpt aesthetic clinic offers hair transplant as a solution for alopecia, advanced female pattern baldness, scarring alopecia, and tradition alopecia. They also offer correction of the hairline in order to have a frontal hairline advanced up to certain distances, depending on variables such as preoperative hairline height, scalp laxity, and patient preference.

Different types of hair transplant treatments

 FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) are the two types of hair transplant methods.

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method is widely used today. This technique uses advanced semi-automatic devices that extract the hair follicles as individual units using a small punch often less than one millimetre in diameter. This is a much less invasive procedure than the FUT method.
  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant): This is a method which involves excising a strip of scalp, which is divided into smaller transplant units and transplanted into balding areas of the scalp in the frontal and crown region.

Bio profiling FUE is a modification of the FUE method. The whole donor area does not contain the best quality of follicles that can survive for decades . Bio Profiling FUE ensures only the follicles with prolonged survival are selected. Unique techniques and criteria to identify the best follicles make this method very accurate and successful.

Other services offered by Sculpt?

The possibilities of hair transplants are not limited to the head. Thanks to the new technology at Dr. Sculpt aesthetic clinic, a wide variety of options are available.

  • Moustache and beard transplant

Dr.Sculpt Aesthetic clinic does what your genetics and other factors won’t allow you to do. A beard and moustache transplant can be done in men who have no beard at all. It can be done in those suffering from spotty or patchy loss of hair.

  • Eyebrow Transplant

There are different reasons for eyebrow hair loss, alopecia, ageing, burning, plucking or any kind of injuries. An eyebrow hair restoration procedure permanently restores your eyebrows by customizing its appearance.

  • Scalp Micropigmentation

With the help of special hair pigmentation pigments and modern tools, Dr. Sculpt aesthetic clinic can give a virtual hairstyle to bald or balding men that look like a shaven down head. It is also employed to improve the apparent density of the hair in men and women.

  • Revision Surgeries

This procedure helps to correct the poor results and mistakes that the previous surgeries have  caused in a patient's scalp. Experts at Dr Sculpt provide a good revision procedure and appropriate remedies.

  • FUT Scar Correction 

FUT scars usually leave a linear scar of varying lengths based on the size of the strip extracted. Numerous methods are available to lessen or reduce the size of the scars, created through the FUT procedure.

Why choose to Sculpt?

Expert caregivers at Dr.Sculpt Aesthetic clinic can help you explore the best options to rejuvenate or refine your appearance - and your self-confidence. For the best results from any cosmetic procedure, you need the highest quality services.

Authored By : Dr. Rajesh Mikkilineni

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