questions about cosmetic treatments


There are different reasons which can alter the natural ageing process. Our environment and lifestyle choices can cause our skin to age prematurely, a condition known as “extrinsic ageing.” Smoking, sun exposure, and tanning, genes, diet, sleeping habits, alcohol, caffeine intake, stress, etc. are the major reasons. We Dr. Sculpt aesthetic clinic offers a wide range of facials, peels, therapies, and treatments for volume loss of skin. We also offer rejuvenating treatments for your tired skin.

If you want your age spots to be less noticeable, Sculpt can help you to lighten or remove them. We offer treatments to dissolve the pigments located at the base of the epidermis. The most common methods include medications, chemical peels, laser and intense pulsed light therapy, freezing or cryotherapy, chemical peels, dermabrasion, and microdermabrasion.

The results of your treatment may be obvious or may take some time. This entirely depends on your treatment program and the methods used. In some cases where the skin is in very poor condition, skincare professional of Sculpt takes necessary steps to strengthen and condition the skin before starting the anti-ageing treatments.

Sculpt clinic use the FDA cleared skin tightening technologies and owns experts who have excelled in their field. The nonsurgical treatments like radiofrequency, ultrasound skin tightening and intense pulse with radiofrequency only affect the deep layers of the skin and heat it to predetermined controllable temperature.

Results from skin tightening procedures can often take at least 3-6 months to effect. The number of treatments required will vary based on the device used, the area treated, energy source and level, the condition being treated, age of the patient, and individual patient characteristics.

Patients may experience mild swelling, bruising, and/or redness after their procedure. If they occur, then swelling or bruising can up to last 1-2 weeks. Redness typically resolves within a few hours. Many patients will feel like resuming their normal activities later that day or the next day.

Non Surgical skin lightening methods tighten mild to moderately loose skin on the face. Neck or the body without surgery or scars. Along with that, it provides a noticeable “lifting” effect. 

Sculpt provides treatment with a very low risk of adverse effects and with little to no downtime. One fine attraction is that the treatment typically extends to 1 hour or less and the results last up to 1 year.

If you are undergoing laser treatments you can expect to experience the following side effects such as bruising, skin dryness, sensitivity to sunlight, tightness, swelling, scarring, skin infections, skin texture difference, pigmentation, skin redness, and irritation.

Deep chemical peel treatments applied inappropriately can cause permanent damage such as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. If you undergo very aggressive treatments without experts help to whiten your skin it may become raw and ooze forming crusts all over.

Wash the concerned area with chemical-free soaps and dabbing very gently. Use maintenance products such as aloe vera gel or petroleum jelly to give a soothing and cooling effect.

Do not touch or pick the layer of scabs and crusts that may form on the treated area. Take painkillers to reduce swelling. Apply sunscreen for at least six months to prevent darkening or sunburn, as at this stage skin becomes extremely sensitive.

People may advise you to avoid foods like chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk foods. These foods may not be good for your overall health, they don’t cause acne or make it worse. Recent research shows that diet can play a significant role in acne development. Food products like dairy products and high glycemic foods can trigger acne.

There are different home remedies for acne, but not all of them can cure your acne problems. Sculpt offers different treatments including oral medications, over the countermeasures and a wide range of therapies depending on the condition or a combination of different treatments. Expert dermatologists of our clinic will examine your skin and assess its condition. This will help them to suggest the appropriate treatment method for your acne problem. 

Sculpt aesthetic clinic has expert pediatric dermatologists, who provide medical care for a wide variety of skin conditions for children. They diagnose and provide effective treatments for various skin conditions, hair, and nails including hemangiomas and other vascular birthmarks, pigmented birthmarks, and congenital skin disorders, eczema or atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, vitiligo, hives, and warts.

 We also undertake minor surgical procedures, including skin biopsies, surgical removal of skin lesions (e.g., cysts, warts), and laser treatment of vascular birthmarks

 If there is no beard until the age of 20, you can apply for a beard transplant. 

No. The process made with a natural appearance principle is not clear from the outside.

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